Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why Was I Created As A Woman, Part 1

"Then the LORD God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Genesis 2:18

Have I embraced my God-created design to be a helper to the man?

Am I willing to sacrifice my own ambitions and aspirations in order to fulfill my primary role and aspirations in order to fulfill my primary role and calling as a helper to my husband?

Am I providing companionship for my husband?

Am I completing and complementing my husband, rather than competing with him?

How could I better help my husband fulfill God's purpose for his life?

Am I promoting healthy, godly marriages in the ways I relate and respond to other women's husbands?

Am I maintaining the kinds of boundaries in my relationships with men that promote biblical standards of purity?

Biblical Portrait of Womanhood,
Nancy Leigh DeMoss


  1. I love this! Very important questions to ask ourselves. I have the Biblical Portrait of Womanhood and haven't even started it yet. :( (I keep thinking, "I'm going to do that soon" and never have)

  2. Very good questions, that you for the reminder :-)
