Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Theological Word of the Day


[ev''-ih-den''-shul-iz-um] The form of Christian apologetics that believes that the Holy Spirit often uses evidences to help people overcome obstacles to Christianity so that true faith can be exercised on the basis of epistemic justification. Evidentialists are opposed to fideists who believe that evidence is contrary to faith. Important evidentialists include J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Robert Bowman, and John Warwick Montgomery.


This is the doctrine that states all people of all time will be saved by being reconciled to God and go to heaven, whether or not faith is professed in Jesus Christ in this life. There are a few variations of this teaching that accept “hell” as a real place, but all Universalists unequivocally agree that no person will ever go there.


[mon''-ur-jiz-um] (Greek mono-, “one” + Greek ergon, “work”)

The doctrine that God the Holy Spirit solely and independently acts to regenerate the heart of man so as to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In other words, God performs a unilateral inward action upon man’s heart to respond to the call of salvation.


Revelation given by God’s supernatural intervention in history through (1) miraculous events, (2) divine speech, and (3) visible manifestations. This is to be contrasted with “general” or “natural” revelation which refers to God’s revelation generally given to all people through a naturalistic medium


[tee''-lee-awl''-uh-jee] (Greek teleos, “perfect” or “complete” from telos, “end” or “result”)

The study of the evidences of design or purpose in nature. It is the school of thought that holds all things to be designed for or directed toward a final result, that there is an intrinsic purpose for everything that exists. In Christian apologetics, it represents the argument for the existence of God, in that the order of the natural world is not an accident. That is, since the world clearly has a design, it must have a designer and could not be accidental.

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