Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Theological Words of the Day


[ad''-ih-af''-or-uh] (Greek, “things indifferent”) Issues of theology and morals upon which the Scriptures do not speak, positively or negatively, in precept or principle. Examples might be styles of worship in church, the use of a clerical collar, or the use of birth control as a means to prevent pregnancy. Philipp Melanchthon popularized this term in Protestant theology during the Reformation. Scripture Reference: 1 Cor. 8:8-9; Rom. 14:1-19.


[jus''-tuh-fih-kay''-shun] (From the Greek word dikaioo, “to declare/make righteous”)

The act by which God declares a sinner to be just on the basis of the righteousness of Christ alone. According to Romans 1:18-3:28, justification is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ apart from works or merit.


[or''-thuh-prak''-see](Greek orthos, “right” or “true” + praxy, “action”)

The corollary of orthodoxy, its emphasis is on the performance of correct doctrine as it pertains to the Bible. That is, it corresponds to the action or response to right thinking or teaching. Much is considered with respect to what actions are considered the correct ones. Historical definitions on Christian orthopraxy maintain church attendance, sacraments such as prayer and the Lord’s supper, even fasting. In the end, the fundamental explanation of orthopraxy is acting in a manner worthy of the call of God as it pertains to being conformed to the image of Christ (cf. Eph. 4:1, Rom. 8:29).



Translated from the Greek word hilasterion, meaning “that which expiates or propitiates” or “the gift which procures propitiation”. It means “satisfaction” or “appeasement,” specifically towards God. In the New Testament, propitiation is the work of Jesus Christ on the cross by which He appeases the wrath of God who would otherwise be offended by our sin and demand that we pay the penalty for it. The concept of propitiation is often associated with the idea of a substitutionary atonement.


Named after a fifth-century British monk, Pelagianism is the belief that man is born without any stain of sin and that man”s will is able to choose equally between good and evil without any aid from God.

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