Thursday, April 29, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 22

Sound Thinking

Sometimes pressures come at you so fast it seems like you can’t think straight. Learn to develop a biblical, sound mind so that you can think clearly no matter what is happening around you.

  • If you have sound doctrine, that will result in sound thinking about all of life—thinking that is wise, discreet, sensible, and self-controlled. Sound thinking will result in sound living.
  • You can’t love your husband and your children if you don’t have sound thinking. Because when they are not loveable, if you don’t have sound thinking, you’re going to respond in unloving ways.
  • A godly woman's heart and mind are always under the guard and protection of the Spirit of God, the truth of God, and the truth of God’s Word.

Listen to or read more from “Sound Thinking”

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 21

Make Your Husband a Priority

It’s a challenge to keep up with all the needs in a busy household. As you’re deciding what to tackle, who becomes a higher priority—your kids, or your husband? The Bible speaks to that question.

  • I wish young women knew how to reverence and adore their husbands, to protect their reputations, and to affirm them in public. Men blossom when you do that.
  • If you are a married woman, loving your husband is the number-one way that you demonstrate your commitment to sound doctrine.
  • Loving your husband means enjoying him. It means being his friend, taking pleasure in him

Listen to or read more from “Make Your Husband a Priority”

Monday, April 26, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 20

Intentional Training

Finding a mentor sounds like a good idea, but where do you start? And how do you become a mentor? Here are some practical approaches to teaching and sharing your life.

  • As older women, we’re supposed to be modeling the beauty of a life that’s lived under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Mentoring takes place in the context of everyday life:
    • You’re there.
    • You’re with them.
    • You observe.
    • You walk with them through life.
    • You deal with issues as they arise.
    • You look for teachable moments.
    • You give friendship, counsel, encouragement, and exhortation.

Listen to or read more from “Intentional Training”

Sunday, April 25, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 19

The Anatomy of Addiction

When we partake of things that are addictive, just a little bit doesn’t satisfy. We want more—and then we need more. We can become enslaved to many things:

  • prescription drugs
  • food & overeating
  • gambling & computer games
  • pornography & romance novels
  • television & soap operas
  • spending & shopping

The desire itself may not be inherently wrong. The problem comes in when that desire becomes a demand and we find ourselves giving in to the temptation to fulfill it in an illicit way.*

Listen to or read more from “The Anatomy of Addiction”

Saturday, April 24, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 18

How to Control Your Tongue

How can you become a woman who does not sin with her tongue?

  • humble yourself
  • put off all slander and evil speaking
  • put on words of kindness, love, forgiveness, and grace
  • bring your thought life under the control of the Spirit
  • talk less
  • think before you speak
  • refuse to listen to, slander, or gossip about others

Listen to or read more from “How to Control Your Tongue”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 17

Applying Sound Doctrine

For the final ten days of our make-over, we’ll journey with Nancy Leigh DeMoss through her teaching on Titus 2:1-5 titled “God’s Beautiful Design for Women.” We highly recommend the entire series.

Have you ever assumed that doctrine is for scholars who like to pore over ancient texts in big libraries? Actually, solid doctrine isn’t meant to stay in books—it’s supposed to be used in the day-to-day decisions you and I make.

  • Just because we pick an idea up in a Christian bookstore; or hear it on Christian radio, television, or in a church, doesn't mean we can assume it is sound doctrine.
  • Doctrine—what we believe—determines how we live. And the way we live reveals what we believe. Doctrine and life have to match each other.
  • We know so much. If we’d just live a fraction of what we know, we’d be spiritual giants instead of spiritual pygmies.

Listen to or read more from “Applying Sound Doctrine”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 16

Responses from Listeners

Hear from women like you who have been encouraged and blessed by this teaching on modesty.

  • Evaluate what you can do to be a helper to the men around you—to encourage them to think godly thoughts, and to encourage them in their desires to be pure.
  • May you be an attractive Christian woman for the glory of God, who reflects beautifully the gospel of Christ and influences the next generation.

Listen to or read more from “Responses from Listeners”

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 15

Tough Questions on Modesty

Listen in as Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Holly Elliff, and her daughter, Bethany, respond to women’s questions on modesty.

  • Develop the ability to converse about everything with your kids. It may wear you out, but it keeps communication open as they enter their teen years.
  • Ask your husband what he really enjoys you wearing, and then find appropriate times to wear what he likes.
  • You're responsible to live up to the truth that you know and to pray that God will teach others those same truths. If God brings you into relationship with someone, then you may have the privilege of being one of the people that helps share truth with them.

Listen to or read more from “Tough Questions on Modesty”

Monday, April 19, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 14

Tough Questions on Modesty

Listen in as Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Holly Elliff, and her daughter, Bethany, respond to women’s questions on modesty.

  • Develop the ability to converse about everything with your kids. It may wear you out, but it keeps communication open as they enter their teen years.
  • Ask your husband what he really enjoys you wearing, and then find appropriate times to wear what he likes.
  • You're responsible to live up to the truth that you know and to pray that God will teach others those same truths. If God brings you into relationship with someone, then you may have the privilege of being one of the people that helps share truth with them.

Listen to or read more from “Tough Questions on Modesty”

Sunday, April 18, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 13

Modeling Modesty

Training your children about modesty at age thirteen is too late. How about at age three? Learn why modeling modesty for young children is vital.

  • Make sure that the kind of entertainment you enjoy fits what you say you believe.
  • It is inconsistent for parents who profess to believe the gospel to let their kids watch sexually explicit movies that promote unbiblical philosophies.
  • Modesty should be a way of life.

Listen to or read more from “Modeling Modesty”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 12

Training Our Daughters

Learn how to train the next generation of women to have modest hearts as they grow up in an increasingly permissive world.

  • Modesty is, first and foremost, a heart issue. Don’t expect this world to teach your children how to be modest in heart, behavior, and dress. That’s your job as a parent.
  • One of the killers of the faith of Christian young people is that they do not see that their parents’ faith has joy in it. Your kids will most likely reject your religion if it is a joyless religion.
  • Make sure you are setting an example of loving and obeying God. When you fail, be humble enough to say, “I was wrong. Would you please forgive me?”

Listen to or read more from “Training Our Daughters”

Friday, April 16, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 11

Reflecting God’s Glory

Your outward appearance can reveal the inward desires of your heart. Do you want to glorify yourself or reflect God’s glory?

  • Your physical appearance gives an impression of God to people who can’t see Him.
  • When you buy clothing, check your motives. Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? Are you putting people in a position where you may set them up to sin by being seductive or distracting?
  • When you extend yourself, your heart, and your hands in good works, you’re adorning the gospel and making Jesus believable.

Listen to or read more from “Reflecting God’s Glory”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 10


Purity and self-control help you make wise choices, even in tempting situations.*

  • God calls you to exercise self-control over your sexual passions, your demeanor, your dress and attitudes, and your way of dealing with men.
  • If you have self-control, you'll find there are a lot of situations you'll never end up in because you made wise, restrained choices on the front end.
  • The greatest freedom in life comes when you're under the control of the Holy Spirit. That's when you can really enjoy life and healthy relationships in the Body of Christ.

Listen to or read more from “Self-Control”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 9

A Woman’s Great Loveliness

What comes to mind when you hear the word modesty?

  • To be modest is to:
    • know how to be appropriately embarrassed
    • be discreet
    • be reserved
    • see yourself as you really are
    • be ashamed if your attitudes or dress were ever to cause dishonor to Christ

  • To be immodest is to:
    • be showy
    • talk too much
    • be arrogant
    • be aggressive, controlling, or domineering

Listen to or read more from “A Woman’s Great Loveliness”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 8

Affirming Our Faith

You don’t leave the house with your clothes on inside out, but when it comes to modesty, that’s what you need to do. First, work on the inside—on your heart—then let that be reflected on the outside.

  • Your appearance, actions, and attitudes will never make you a Christian. But if you are a Christian, you absolutely will have an appearance, attitudes, and actions that confirm your profession of faith.
  • We are not to be in any way that is unbecoming of us as believers—not in disarray; not as exhibitionists; not extreme.
  • We need be filled with the Spirit and grounded in the Word of God so that our hearts, emotions, and minds will be well-ordered; then it will be reflected in our outward appearances.

Listen to or read more from “Affirming Our Faith”

Monday, April 12, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 7

The Fruit of Her Hands

Do you want to become a woman of virtue? Your future will in many ways be affected by the choices you make today.

  • One trap we can fall into is thinking, “I’m going to be like that woman if it kills me.” We begin to perform, strive, and struggle, saying, “I want to be a good Christian. I want to be a godly woman.” You’ll get exhausted in the effort, and you’ll wear other people out, too.
  • The realization that you cannot do what God has called you to do by yourself is one of the greatest discoveries you’ll ever make. It’s the starting place to victory.

Listen to or read more from “Fruit of Her Hands”

Sunday, April 11, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 6

High and Holy Calling

In Proverbs 31, we read about a woman who gives and gives and gives. How does she keep giving?*

  • You're never more like Jesus than when you're serving.
  • What a blessing it is for a man to know that there's a wife at home who's watching and praying on his behalf, praying that as he goes out into the world, God will protect him and keep his heart pure.
  • It is a high and holy calling to be a helper to your husband and to manage the affairs of your household.

Listen to or read more

Saturday, April 10, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 5

What Does Your Home Communicate?

What is your home saying to your neighbors or the repairman who stopped in last week? Discover how an orderly home can bring glory to God.*

  • God gave you the responsibility to watch over your children—to know when they're coming, when they're going, and what they're doing.
  • If you have lots of time to talk on the phone, you may be missing out on some of the things you should be doing with that time. When we have lots of time to talk, we tend to become gossips and busybodies.
  • Through a repentant heart and a teachable, humble spirit, all of us can learn to acquire those skills and disciplines we need in order to be the women God wants us to be.

Listen to or read more

Friday, April 9, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 4

Measured Words

You can spend days cultivating a close relationship with someone, but it can all be destroyed by a few sinful words. Learn how to carefully measure your words.*

  • Isn't it sad that we're so much more careful about the words we say outside our homes than we are about the words we say inside our homes?
  • So often, we just say whatever we think, especially when we're with people we know really well. We just let down our hair, and we're not so conscious about what we're saying.
  • If you humble yourself every time you sin with your mouth, you'll start to sin less frequently with your mouth. Stop and edit your words before your speak. (That may just mean saying less.)

Listen to or read more

Thursday, April 8, 2010

True woman Make-Over Day 3

Committed to Marriage

Marriage is a covenant. Learn more about this life-long commitment.

  • A wife has a permanent, unconditional commitment to act in a way that is according to her husband's best interests—not to serve herself, but to serve her husband.
  • A husband can trust a godly wife to speak well of him and to keep confidences. He can trust her in the way she speaks about him. He can trust her to protect his reputation.
  • A godly wife inspires a man to be worthy of her devotion. He rises to that because he knows he has a woman who is an asset, not a liability—a woman who supports, encourages, and helps him in every way possible.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

True Woman Make-Over Day 2

Day 2

A Virtuous Woman

When you hear the phrase "a godly woman," does an actual woman come to mind? Better yet, do you think that could ever describe you?*

  • The Proverbs 31 woman deals with the same issues you do!
  • I can tell you this—she didn't get there overnight, and she hasn't yet arrived. She's a woman in process. She's a woman who, like most of us, often finds herself taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  • The world tells you that if you look out for yourself, then you'll be happy. But it's the woman who lives for God and others who is truly joyful.

Listen to or read more

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gather your family for seven engaging evenings of learning online as part of Vision Forum’s exclusive Great Authors Webinar Series. Hear live lectures from seven leading authors discussing their timely books, and engage in interactive Q&A — all part of an intimate online discussion with your favorite Christian authors. A valuable supplement to any home school program, this special webinar series offers a great opportunity for families to study important subjects together — a powerful educational tool for home education, church, and family.

True Woman Make-Over Day 1

For the first ten days of this make-over, we'll journey with Nancy Leigh DeMoss through ten select messages from her teaching "The Counter-cultural Woman: A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31."

A Biblical View of Womanhood

Where do you get your ideas about what it means to be a woman? Who has the most influence on your behavior and attitudes? Learn what the Bible has to say about being a woman!

  • We want to be women who, in every area of our lives, are controlled by the Word of God. That is what will make an impact on a world that desperately needs to see Christ incarnated and lived out through all of life.
  • As older women, we can hold up the hands of younger women. We can encourage them, and we can direct them to Scripture and help them flesh out what it looks like to be a woman after God's own heart.
  • In Proverbs 31, we get a picture of this woman's character, priorities, values, daily routine, marriage, and family life. All of this flows out of the fact that this woman has a reverence for God.

Listen to or read more